Saturday, April 27, 2013

Our New....Everything

Settling In

So, we've been in the same campground for one week, and have been living in the RV for almost 2.  You would think that we have it all figured out by now.  Let me tell you, just yesterday I got all of our clothes put away!  Just like living in a regular house, there is always something more fun to do than house work!  Like having gym class...  

Some things are different living in the RV. This is what we use our new shower for.

The bath house uses solar power to heat the water. As Mae would say, it gets as hot as Beezle Nut Stew!  It's pretty awesome.  So we use the campground's showers (why use our propane gas, when we can take advantage of free hot water from the sun!)  This is the sign on the bathroom door.  Luckily, the biggest wildlife we've encountered in there has been a lizard.

This is how we baked our pizza...because we can't figure out how to work the oven yet.

So we put it in a saute pan for the grill that we lined with foil.  We covered the top of it with some more foil, to help melt the cheese.  It was a little bit black on the bottom, but hungry campers will eat just about anything!  I want to try out our solar oven soon.  I'd imagine in the Florida sun we can cook just about anything in a few minutes.

There's been a lot of learn, and a lot of opportunities to work together since we started this adventure. I froze just about all the groceries in the fridge this week.  Apparently the refrigerator is much more efficient that I'd thought!  I was worried that the food wouldn't stay cold enough. Yesterday, Daddy fixed the leaky kitchen sink.  Maybe today we'll figure out how to turn on the oven.

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