Sunday, April 7, 2013

Getting Ready to Live the Dream

The Allee's had a Dream

Before we had our daughter, we dreamed of traveling- on a sailboat.  Once Mae was on her way, I felt the need to make sure we could get to a hospital if need be, and I didn't want to worry about drifting at anchor through the night. So we switched gears and started to think about RVing.  We went to our first RV show in Tampa about 4 weeks after Mae was born.  She happily attended in her Bijorn, on Daddy's chest.

I remember talking to my mom on the phone just as we were leaving the show, and telling her that we were planning to hit the road in an RV when Mae was 5 or 6.  Well, here we are, Mae is 5.5 now, and we'll be leaving to start our adventure in a week!  

We have been busy sort all of our belongings.  Its amazing how little of what you have, you'd be happy without.  When we moved from Florida about 4 years ago, we packed a 26 foot moving truck- and had to leave some things behind, most notably a play house and a kayak. I honestly thought we'd have room to have a dance party in the back of the truck after it was packed when I saw how huge it was. We had yard sales, donated and threw away so much stuff after 9 years in Florida.  We have been storing 75% our stuff at Papa's house in NH all this time, thank you!  I'm pretty sure I don't need Mae's excersaucer anymore, time to donate the rest of it I think.  
From the over-packed 26 foot moving truck, we now will have moved into our RV with 2 pickup truck loads of stuff....pretty impressive if I do say so myself.

We are doing it!  We are living our dream.  We will travel the country for 8 months of the year, and then come back to our home base for 4 months every summer.  So as I think about it, this is the last week that I'll live in a regular house for the next 5 or 6 year and I only feel excitement!

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