Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Making Memories

As we pack up and get ready for our big change, I'm thankful for
memories.  As Mae will tell you, I'm Forgettery Girl.  So knowing that
about myself, I take lots of pictures, to help me remember.  I'm glad
that I do, it's such a sweet surprise to scroll through old pictures
and rediscover a special moment that I'd forgotten.  

Her first beach day
We have made a lot of wonderful friendships in the past 4 years, and
I'm so grateful that we will be able to maintain them, even as we
travel, because we will return every summer to our homebase.  Despite this
fact, I feel the need to create more memories, special memories with
our friends that we love before we depart.  I have made sure that we set aside
extra time to spend with our friends during our last few days here.

Doing joyful things with friends embed them in our heart. 

Sharing the beauty of nature together, makes our souls sing.  

Learning with love is something you never forget. 

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