Sunday, January 19, 2014

Heading down the California Coast

We had about 20 days before we were due to arrive at our "Christmas Spot."  It was time to head south towards San Diego. 

Before we left though, it was time to start our Christmas Crafting! She loved decorating the foam gingerbread men with glitter and glitter glue.  It turns out that she really, really missed have "shakey" glitter since we moved into the RV.  So much for keeping the mess to a minimum. 

Our first stop was a fantastic town called Half Moon Bay.  Our friends, who also watched Izzy while we were on the cruise, live there and said we'd love it.  There were right!  We did!

The Ritz, on the bluff, was our neighbor!

We got to have our first real beach day in California.  We packed up the buggy and we were off!

She wasn't excited at all....


Daddy is perfecting his cliff jumping.  He has a really good teacher, she went pro at 3.

Mae felt the need to let me know that she wants Internet, via a note in the sand, written with a feather quill.  Sorry kiddo, no wifi here.

The barn animals came.  They had quite a set up!  There was also heron stalking.  She came amazingly close!

The outgoing tide left us this beautiful gift.

There was more Christmas Crafting.  I love that it could be done outside!

Daddy is also working on perfecting his glittering techniques.

There is always time for shenanigans.

A trio of monkeys were in the wrong place at the wrong time!

We visited the local library for some more Christmas Crafting.

We also went to a great Christmas sailboat parade... but I seem to have lost the pictures in digital mislabeled land.  
Our next stop down the coast was Morrow Bay.  Morrow Rock was huge and beautiful.  More amazing sunset pictures, courtesy of George.
Another example of why we are beach people.
Enjoying the dunes in the moonlight....
 Morrow Rock State Park.


Running on the beach is always fun!

Mae found her first sand dollar. 
We also stopped in Malibu, but we were running Christmas errands, so I don't have any fun pictures.  We saw lots of hummingbirds between Morrow Rock and Malibu.  It was great!  They make a buzzing sound, their wings go so fast.  The first one we saw, when I first heard it, I thought it was a bumblebee. 
We will see you in our Christmas Spot!  We will be there for 21 days, so we are very excited to settle in and really get to know the area.

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