Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Away we go!

Well, the time has come.  Our four months at home has come to an end.  My husband has worked 15 hours a day, six days a week for the past four months.  Mae and I have played with family and friends outside all summer.  It's exciting to know that we can go on this grand adventure, share it with you here, and still return home when our time is up.

Technology will allow us to be in contact with our loved ones while we are on the road.  We plan to use Facebook, this blog, video messages and plain old phone calls to keep in touch.  We won't be any  harder to reach while we are traveling, than we are now.  The educational opportunities that that are available from the iPad are amazing!  That will be its very own blog post one day.

Our message to you is this: the choices you make, lead you where you go.  Make sure where you are going is where you want to end up.

We will be in New Hampshire for the next week or so.  I'll post again from there.  Our computer isn't working, that's why this post doesn't have any pictures (it's too hard to do on the iPad). It's  so short because I deleted the almost finished post a few minutes ago!